Hello Ham World!

Greetings. After more than 30 years of putting it off, I attained my US Amateur Radio license as KD2PLE on March 27th, 2018. To some it may seem a small thing in life, but for me it’s a proud accompmishment. I had already “purchased” my GMRS license as WRAN632 earlier on (which at least got me back into radio after years away from it,) and had my commercial license as WRAS560 for my business. But getting your Ham license puts you in a different category – you are guided more by your own best judgement and less by the strict FCC (Part 90) rules.

It means the FCC trusts your judgement, based on demonstrated knowledge, which all its you great freedoms.

It’s a privilege.

I am also not a “blogger.” Gone years ago was my urge to share every momemt of my life with the random internet world, traded more for the urge for orivacy and peace in daily life. Combined with my own shyness, it leads to (an attempt at) a more quiet, private life.

That is very contradictory to the whole QSL and DXing culture of Ham radio…